Our Team

The Domaine Bousquet team is detail oriented and strives to combine traditional with modern methods in order to produce high quality naturally organic style wines.

Labid Ameri

Chairman of the board, co-founder & partner

Labid holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Finan­ce from Saint Cloud Uni­ver­sity, MNUSA, and an MBA from Nort­heas­tern Uni­ver­sity, MAUSA. After school, he wor­ked as a sales tra­der on the Inter­na­tio­nal Equity desk at Fide­lity Capi­tal Mar­kets. In 2005 he crea­ted the com­mer­cial struc­tu­re for Domai­ne Bous­quet, resul­ting in a brand pre­sen­ce in more than 30 coun­tries.

Anne Bousquet

President, CEO, co-founder & partner

Prior to joi­ning Domai­ne Jean Bous­quet in 2008, Anne wor­ked as an eco­no­mist, doing fore­cast analy­sis for the Euro­pean paper pac­ka­ging industry. Anne joi­ned the com­pany to assist in finan­cial plan­ning, day-to-day ope­ra­tions mana­ge­ment and busi­ness deve­lop­ment. Anne holds a Master’s Degree in Applied Eco­no­mics from Saint Cloud Sta­te Uni­ver­sity, MNUSA and a Bache­lor (Mai­tri­se) Degree in Eco­no­mics from the Uni­ver­sity of Tou­lou­se, Fran­ce.

Rodrigo Serrano

Rodri­go Serrano is an inter­na­tio­nal wine­ma­ker. With a Degree in Enology, he has led the winery team sin­ce Decem­ber 2017. His entre­pre­neu­rial and proac­ti­ve spi­rit encou­ra­ged him to have expe­rien­ces both in the country and abroad. Currently, his objec­ti­ve is to sha­re our orga­nic cul­tu­re and con­ti­nue achie­ving ele­gant wines of inter­na­tio­nal qua­lity that reflect the cha­rac­te­ris­tics of our terroir in Gual­ta­llary, Tupun­ga­to Valley, Men­do­za.

Gustavo Escande

Gustavo has extensive experience in Business Administration with a specialization in the School of Banking. More than 25 years of experience in financial retail, corporate, SME and finance. Since 2019, Gustavo is our Finance and RRHH Director.

  Marisa Benitez

People Management, CSR and Information Technology Director. Marisa has experience in important companies such as Bodega Santa Ana (Grupo Peñaflor), Petroquímica Cuyo, Ecogas and Diario Los Andes (Grupo Clarín); leading processes for Talent Management, Cultural Transformation, Labor Relations, Internal Communications, Institutional Affairs, Hygiene and Occupational Safety among others. She has also worked as a university teacher in different educational fields. Giving classes and conferences in Maza University, UNC, Mendoza University.
She has a degree in Human Relations and has various postgraduate degrees and specializations from ESADE Business Law School, UADE, Universidad de Palermo, UTN, and Universidad San Francisco.

Soledad Baigorria

Soledad is the Purchasing Leader for Domaine Bousquet. She has extensive training in Business Administration, specializing in Economics and Management of organizations. This training is aimed at the organization and development of micro-enterprises, SMEs and cooperatives.
Soledad joined the team in 2008 , In her role, she leads national and international purchasing; analyzing the context of the economic and financial markets, while concurrently aligning costs based on the quality and sustainability of the materials.

Jorge Marin

After graduating as an Industrial Engineer at UNCuyo and having gone through the Oil & Gas industry, he entered the food and beverage industry.

With more than 8 years in the wine sector and before adopting his current position in the company, he trained and developed in the operational areas of the industry becoming responsible for Production, Maintenance and Engineering sectors, deploying management methodologies and training high-performance work teams, with a marked commitment to quality, personal safety and the environment.

Currently his challenge is to create a model Engineering and Maintenance management system for the industry, which would reduce operational risks and help improve the profitability of production systems.


Sebastián Nazabal Canalis
Francisco Cortes Lepis

Francisco is a Business Administrator, graduated from the University of Buenos Aires.
He has more than 27 years of experience working in the wine and spirits business in leading national and international companies. With a wealth of knowledge and understanding of the world wine markets, he has dedicated himself to developing premium and luxury World Class brands for wineries.


Tim Wilkes

After graduating from the University of Vermont with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, Timothy’s path into the wine business began with a 10 year career in the hospitality industry during which he held several Beveragement Management roles in the world of fine dining. It was through this work that he developed great insight, knowledge and deep passion for wine which led him to take a leap to the sales and distribution side of the industry in 2012. Timothy held an On-Premise Sales Management role in the state of Connecticut for a number of years before joining the team at Domaine Bousquet in 2015. Today, Timothy’s role with the Winery includes managing all aspects of sales and distribution throughout the eastern half of the U.S. market, including key regions such as New York City, Boston, Chicago and Washington DC. A native New Englander, Timothy resides with his wife and two children in Fairfield, Connecticut where he enjoys summers on the Long Island Sound and winters skiing in Vermont.

Amer Al Ameri

Amer has been working in international business development for the past 30 years and developed a strong expertise in this area. He grew up in Spain and traveled to the US in 2015 to join the Domaine Bousquet family as Domaine Bousquet’s West Coast Sales Director.

Carlos L. Smith

Carlos L. Smith is a results oriented sales, marketing, strategic planning and senior business professional with a successful and progressive career with company leaders in the Adult Beverage Industry. He has an excellent track record leading to grow sales, sales revenues, market share while maximizing marketing investment.
In his current role as Region Manager, FL, he is managing the overall OOI business in Florida closely working with RNDC-FL to reach aggressive company goals

Jim Buchholz

Jim is responsible for all sales and distribution for the Southeast US states that include Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Mississippi.  Working in GA his entire career in the adult beverage industry, Jim brings 30 years of successful supplier distributor management experience to Origins Organic Imports.   He is a proven results-oriented professional who prides himself on sales growth, revenue growth, and gained market share year after year.  Jim resides with his wife of 33 years in Sugar Hill, GA and has two adult children that work in the tennis industry.

Angela Obermuller
Angela comes to us with over 15 years of experience in the New York State market. She brings to us an in-depth knowledge of the alcohol beverage industry, many strong customer relationships, and the grit and determination to get things done in the ultra-competitive Northeast Region.  Angela started her career in hospitality as a food and beverage director at several high-profile restaurants and lounges. She held sales professional positions at multiple distributors specializing in on & off premise channels, in both independent and chain accounts, and most recently as an Area Sales Manager for a wine supplier with an extensive international and domestic portfolio responsible for growing sales in all channels.
Angela’s commitment to the alcohol beverage industry drove her to achieve several accreditations including Certified Specialist Wine (CSW) and Sommelier 1 certification. On the weekends you can catch Angela Spending time with family, friends her dog Chucky.


Guillaume Bousquet

Guillaume is responsible for the European market of Domaine Bousquet. Born and raised in a family vineyard, Guillaume holds a Masters in Marketing from IEA, University of Toulouse, France. He assists in the development of the annual marketing plan for the winery. After 2 years of managing sales in Europe, he traveled to the USA for 3 years to establish a sales and marketing plan. In 2015, he returned to France to manage the European market.

Francisco Cortes Lepis

Francisco is a Business Administrator, graduated from the University of Buenos Aires.
He has more than 27 years of experience working in the wine and spirits business in leading national and international companies. With a wealth of knowledge and understanding of the world wine markets, he has dedicated himself to developing premium and luxury World Class brands for wineries.


Adrian Baggio

Adrián Baggio began his career at the age of 19, taking his first steps in the gastronomic world, as a Specialist in Haute Cuisine. He worked in various restaurants until he found his home at “Gaia Restaurant” in 2013. In 2015 he was promoted to the position of Executive Chef and in 2017 he began his training abroad.  Adrian has trained in the United States, Miami and New York, in 2019, he traveled to Peru where he did an internship at the renowned and award-winning Maido restaurant. During 2019, he also trained in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. During his tenure at Gaia, Adrián has managed to define his cuisine by focusing on creatively executing “farm to table” concepts for guests.

Marianela Novello Arranz

Maria­ne­la is a Cer­ti­fied Trans­la­tor with an under­gra­dua­te degree from Uni­ver­si­dad del Acon­ca­gua in 2013. She also holds a post­gra­dua­te Degree in Viti­cul­tu­re, which allo­wed her to com­bi­ne both of her pas­sions: lan­gua­ges and wines. She wor­ked in tou­rism for renow­ned wine­ries befo­re joi­ning Domai­ne Bous­quet in 2014, as a gui­de. After two years, she was pro­mo­ted to the Hos­pi­ta­lity Mana­ger posi­tion.


Cristina Herrera
Irma Remigio

Irma Remigio, our Environment and Biodynamic Management Coordinator. She is in charge of monitoring and generating projects in Good Sustainable Practices for the Sustainable Development Goals that help us meet the strict standards required by our certifiers. In addition, she is in charge of managing Demeter’s certified biodynamic practices.

Irma is an Agricultural and Environmental Engineer, graduated from the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco -Brazil- and, being a scholarship from the Government of Brazil, she did exchange studies at the University of Arkansas and a summer internship at Purdue University. Once in Argentina, she specialized in Viticulture in the Postgraduate course of the University of Cuyo (UNCUYO) and, currently, she is taking the Biodynamic Agriculture course of the Association for Biological-Dynamic Agriculture of Argentina (AABDA). She has worked at Bodega Piedra Negra with the implementation of biodynamics, agronomic trials, compost, animal management in the vineyard area. She subsequently worked on Chandon’s Irrigation Efficiency program.