Is Organic Wine Better for You?
Organic products have exploded in popularity over the past several years, but is organic wine really better for you?
Many health-conscious people may already be aware of the benefits of consuming organic wine. A delicious, rich glass of wine that contributes to personal wellness and the health of the planet – what’s not to love? Yet, despite the many benefits of choosing organic, less than 1% of wine sold by volume in the United States is certified organic.
Domaine Bousquet has been producing organic wine for decades on our certified organic and fair-trade wineries. We understand that high-caliber organic wines require the artistic touch of talented and thoughtful makers. If you’re on the fence about whether or not to choose an organic label the next time you select a wine for your evening glass, here’s what you should know.
The benefits of choosing organic wine
In order to be certified organic under the USDA National Organic Program, the entire production cycle of wine must observe strict criteria set forth by the USDA. Every aspect of the winemaking, from the farming methods in the field right down to the fermentation process, “has been done in a way that promotes ecological balance, conserves biodiversity, and uses unadulterated ingredients.”
Because organic wines are subject to such strict production standards, they have unique benefits not offered by conventionally made wines.
1. No GMOs
Genetically Modified Organisms, or GMOs, are living organisms such as crops, animals, and bacteria, whose genetic code has been manually manipulated in a laboratory setting. GMOs are used en masse in agricultural production for a vast array of products around the globe. There are no long-term independent studies on the safety of GMOs on human health, and the use of herbicides and patented seed varieties for GMO crops results in a significant negative impact on the planet and farmer sovereignty worldwide.
Organic winemakers do not use GMOs. This includes the crops grown in the field as well as the yeasts used for fermentation and production.
2. Richer, more abundant flavor profiles
Organic winemakers are not permitted to use synthetic dyes or additives. This means that organic wines do not rely on additives or synthetic compounds to improve the wine quality.
You may be surprised to learn that many conventionally produced wines use synthetic additives to improve the flavor profile, smell, and even color of the product. For example, a deep red wine may sometimes contain dyes that stain teeth to give the impression of a healthy, antioxidant-rich blend. Other additives may be used to clarify wine or reduce its acidity.
Organic wines do not have the option of masking inferior quality with such additives. What you see is what you get – and the sweetness and depth of organic wine are entirely dependent on the skill and mastery of its maker.
3. Sustainability and environmental conscientiousness
In order for a winemaker to receive certified organic status, its wine processing and farming practices must be certified organic. The heart of organic production isn’t in the factory where sulfates are avoided and additives aren’t used – it’s in the fields where the grapes are grown.
Organic vineyards do not rely on pesticides, herbicides, or chemical fertilizers to ensure a harvest. Instead, the clusters of fruit are grown with care in rich soil nurtured with fresh water and sunshine and assisted with only organic natural fertilizers.
This process is more time and labor-intensive, which is why many conventional wine producers abandon these methods in favor of the quick and easy results produced by chemical agriculture. Organic farming practices utilize natural resources like sunshine, airflow, and natural irrigation methods. This in turn cultivates a rich soil microbiome, limits erosion, and generally works to preserve and protect the biosphere.
Naturally elegant wines by Domaine Bousquet
We believe that the healthier the vineyard, the better the fruit and, of course, the wine. In other words, by nourishing the land and treating it with respect, we know that the land will give us back its finest fruits. Our organically grown grapes offer a quality of fruit and vibrancy of taste that is unparalleled in the world of ordinary wines. Visit us online to learn more about our exceptional wine varieties, schedule a tour and wine-tasting at our beautiful winery, or find more information about retailers and distributors.