Why Organic Just May Mean Superior

Organic wine is better for your body, mind, and the environment – and it tastes better also

Browsing the wine aisle at your local market can present multiple labels and designations. While you may understand the differences between varietals and vintages, what conclusions can you draw from organic versus non-organic? 

If you’ve not had the opportunity to enjoy a glass of organic wine, you might be wondering what exactly is in a name. Some common questions wine lovers ask when mulling over an organic wine purchase are these: Is it healthier? Does it taste different? Are others regularly enjoying it? 

A wine that is designated “organic” refers to both the origin of the grapes and the winemaking process. At a vineyard that produces organic wines, the grapes are grown without artificial chemical fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, or GMOs. During the winemaking process, added preservatives, sulfites, or other additives, like flavoring agents or artificial colors, are not used. Organic winemaking is simple and honest; it is all about preserving the quality of the grape. 

Health benefits of organic wine

One important reason to choose organic wine is because of its health benefits. Since the winemaking process doesn’t use artificial chemicals, like potentially dangerous pesticides, these harmful toxins don’t end up in your glass.

There are also higher amounts of anthocyanins and antioxidants, including polyphenols and heart-friendly resveratrol, in organic wines. These antioxidants boost your immune system. And, unlike non-organic wine, there is less sugar and no cellar additives such as flavoring agents and caramel color, which, when combined with higher sugar levels, can cause headaches.

It’s better for the environment

Growing organic grapes not only eschews the usage of chemicals, but the process also uses less water. Harmful irrigation systems aren’t set up to grow the grapes, which leaves no chance of pesticides ending up in the ground soil and the water supply. This is better for the people, animals, and plants in the region where organic wine is produced.

Superior taste

One question many wine drinkers will want to know is: how does organic wine taste? A 2016 paper in the Journal of Wine Economics analyzed scores of a study in which 74,000 people blind taste-tested organic and non-organic wines across nine years. The results showed that organic wines scored higher in overall taste and received more praise in the content of the reviews.

Another survey conducted by the same journal also showed that organic wines scored 4.1 points higher in taste than non-organic wines. One reason for the improvement in taste is likely because the grapes are produced without chemical fertilizers, which reveals more terroir and aroma.

Sustainability and ethicality

The overuse of chemicals harms the environment and the community. When you support an organic vineyard, you are supporting a sustainable, ethical operation. Supporting organic vineyards is akin to voting with your dollar. When you purchase a bottle of organic wine, you are promoting healthier, more Earth-friendly practices. Often, you’re also supporting family-run operations rather than corporate vineyards that prefer to mass-produce instead of curate with care.

Organic wine in high demand

Not too long ago, it was a struggle for eco-minded consumers to find organic products. This lifestyle choice would require one to find specialized grocery stores, restaurants, and shops. Now, organic is mainstream. It is easier than ever to find organic items in stores and on restaurant menus. As a result, it is not only easier to choose organic, but it is more affordable, as well. This is the result of consumer demand. In the United States alone, organic products reached $52.5 billion in sales in 2018, a sharp increase from the previous few years. This growth is expected to continue, proving that organic items, including wine, are not a trend but a valuable choice for consumers.

Better quality

From better taste to more health benefits, the comprehensive portrait of organic wine is one of high quality. There is no substitute for organic, whether one defines quality in terms of nutrition, production, ethics, or popularity.

If you’re eager to try a bottle of organic wine for the first time, consider Domaine Bousquet. Our organic winery, located in the wine region of Mendoza, Argentina, channels four generations of expertise, including the gentlest of grape-handling, into award-winning wines. Domaine Bousquet is one of the top wineries in Argentina and is certified organic, fair trade, sustainable, and vegan.

Learn more about the story behind the vineyard and start your journey toward tasting the organic difference.

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