Fact or Fiction? Drinking Organic Wine Prevents Hangovers

Is drinking organic wine the key to avoiding a hangover? Not exactly. 

Key takeaways:

  • Some people claim that drinking organic wine prevents hangovers, severe headaches, and other effects caused by excessive drinking.  
  • Organic wine has many well-known health and nutritional benefits, but there is no scientific evidence to support that drinking too much of it will not cause hangovers. 
  • Many consumers falsely believe that the reduced number of sulfites in organic wine is the secret to hangover-free drinking.

More people are drinking organic wine at restaurants and at home. Many wine experts believe organic wine is the best expression of both grape and terroir (the land and environment in which the grapes are grown). Wine drinkers appreciate that organically farmed grapes have heartier skins and an abundance of antioxidants. They like that organic wine contains less sugar and no flavoring agents or coloring. Environmentalists love organic wine’s focus on sustainability. 

Some wine drinkers claim that organic wine saves them from hangovers. Is this claim too good to be true? We will explore the idea that organic wine has the bonus of hangover-free drinking. 

What is a hangover?

A hangover is a group of unpleasant symptoms that develop after consuming too much alcohol.  While there is not a magic formula to determine how much you can safely drink to avoid a hangover, the general rule is that the more alcohol you drink, the more likely you will develop one the next day. 

A single alcoholic drink is enough to cause a hangover for some people, while others may drink heavily and escape it entirely. Most hangovers go away on their own after 24 hours. Drinking responsibly can help avoid these headaches.  

Hangovers typically start when your blood alcohol level drops significantly and is near zero. Typical symptoms include the following: 

  • Headaches, muscle aches, and shakiness
  • Fatigue, weakness, and dizziness
  • Nausea, vomiting, or stomach pain
  • Poor sleep and increased sensitivity to light and sound. 
  • Rapid heartbeat and mood disturbances

More severe signs and symptoms that accompany heavy drinking may indicate alcohol poisoning – a life-threatening condition that requires immediate emergency medical help. 

What causes hangovers?

Too much alcohol causes hangovers. Here are a few of the factors that contribute to a hangover:

  • Alcohol causes your body to produce more urine, which can lead to dehydration, thirst, dizziness, and lightheadedness.
  • Alcohol triggers an inflammatory response from your immune system and causes memory problems and an inability to concentrate.
  • Alcohol irritates the lining of your stomach, increases the production of stomach acid, and delays stomach emptying.
  • Alcohol causes your blood vessels to expand, leading to headaches.
Are wine hangovers different from alcohol hangovers?

Wine contains alcohol, the determining factor in hangovers. The more wine you drink, the worse your hangover will be. Everyone reacts differently to alcohol based on several factors, like body weight and tolerance. To avoid wine hangovers, drink more slowly, and eat something substantial with higher fat, such as cheese and crackers. 

When choosing cocktails and adult beverages, it is important to remember that the alcohol content is the main factor in causing severe hangovers. Hard liquors, such as vodka, have an average of 40% alcohol content, while domestic beers average 5%. Red wine, on average, has higher alcohol than white wine. Reds wine averages between 12 to 15%, while white is 10-14%. Look at a bottle’s label to see its alcohol percentage. 

Sulfites and organic wine

One of the main reasons that organic wine is rumored to be better at preventing hangovers is its lack of added sulfites, a food preservative widely used in winemaking. Sulfites preserve the freshness and maintain the flavor in wine. Sulfur dioxide is a natural product of fermentation, so organic wine does naturally contain some sulfites.  Organic wine made in the United States requires that no sulfites be added. On the contrary, Europe allows 100 mg/L for red wine and 150 mg/L of white wine. 

People often blame sulfites for their hangovers, but the evidence doesn’t support this claim. The histamines and tannins in wine exacerbate hangovers more than sulfites do. Alcohol content and the amount of alcohol consumed are the leading causes of hangovers. 

While most people can tolerate sulfites, a small percentage of people have a sulfite sensitivity and can experience side effects such as hives, swelling, and stomach pain.  

If you are sensitive to sulfites, then drinking organic wine will make you less susceptible to a reaction, but there’s no direct link to say sulfite-free wine equals hangover-free drinking. The symptoms of a sulfite allergy can mimic the common symptoms of a hangover and have resulted in misconceptions about organic wine and hangover prevention. 

Hangover prevention

The only guaranteed way to avoid hangovers is to not drink or to drink in moderation. Moderate alcohol use for healthy adults is one drink a day for women of all ages and men older than 65, and up to two drinks a day for men age 65 and younger. 

Good tips to avoid drinking in excess include eating before and during drinking, sipping water between drinks, taking it slowly, and knowing your limits. 

Unfortunately, while organic wine is a healthier, cleaner, more environmentally-friendly option when compared to conventional wine, it is not the cure-all for hangovers. Consuming any amount of alcohol in excess, no matter how organic it is, will still probably result in a hangover. 

Wine enthusiasts should enjoy organic wine for its purity, better taste, natural production process, and nutritional and environmental benefits. Drink it in moderation to avoid any hangover symptoms. Browse Domaine Bousquet’s selection of vegan, organic wines for a delicious sip with dinner or lunch. 

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