Exploring the History of Organic Wine From Around the World

The history of organic wine reveals the power and pitfalls of artistry in winemaking. 

Ask any organic wine lover if they have a tried-and-true brand that they love, and you’ll likely get an enthusiastic reply. Today, organic wine is appreciated worldwide for its quality and depth, as well as its positive impact on the planet. 

While many people may not exclusively drink organic wine, nearly all wine aficionados can appreciate the health benefits and delightful taste of a sustainably sourced and produced wine. In fact, organic wine’s popularity has grown exponentially over the last several years, and the market is expected to continue to rise sharply. 

We take it for granted that organic wine is accessible in today’s market, and that winemakers are able to produce a quality product while farming sustainably and practicing ethical and fair-trade manufacturing processes. 

Just a few decades ago, this was not the case. Not only would it be a challenge to find a bottle of organic wine locally, but you’d probably find that many consumers had a low opinion of the taste and quality.

While our global appreciation of organic winemaking has evolved over the decades, so has the winemaking industry itself. 

The organic movement 

The organic movement was born in the 1960s out of a wave of consumer concern over chemical use in commercial agriculture. While chemical treatments for pests and weeds have been in use for nearly 100 years, it’s taken time for society to realize the risks these practices posed to human and environmental health. 

As prominent advocates in media and policy began to sound the alarm about the potential dangers of commercial agriculture, the public perception of the importance of organic practices for health and wellness began to take shape. By the mid-twentieth century, natural food suppliers and organic farmers were cropping up throughout the world. 

As the organic movement grew in prominence and efficacy, more and more people began to seek sustainably farmed vineyards that could produce a product that was vibrant, elegant, and of superior quality. 

Pioneers of organic wine

Unfortunately, many early organic winemakers did not deliver this exceptional product. Indeed, while the production of organic foods skyrocketed in the 1980s and beyond – organic wine developed an unfortunate reputation of poor quality and outright bad taste. 

Part of this reputation was simply a result of poor market performance due to the resistance posed by the conventional winemaking industry and skittish retailers. After all, the industry was suspicious of a product that threatened to outperform the profits of large-scale traditional producers and distributors. 

Yet not all of the criticism for early organic wines was undeserved. Because of the differences in production and processing –such as limited use of sulfites –many early organic winemakers had to abandon conventional methods and turn to experimentation to produce their wines. The results were sometimes distinctly unpleasant in taste and appearance. Many early reviews of organic wines are less than stellar. Common complaints focused on unpleasant vinegar tastes or unappealing flavors and smell. 

Award-winning organic wines

While the earliest organic wines sometimes received lackluster reviews, the reputation of organic winemaking began to grow as organic winemakers perfected their art. By the turn of the 21st century, organic wines around the world were recognized for their superior taste and remarkable flavors. 

These award-winning wines became highly prized in fine society as consumer appetite for sustainable and clean agriculture reached an all-time high. Exclusive restaurants featured menus of locally-produced organic wines, and wine lovers and connoisseurs around the globe began to seek the elegant flavors of artisan organic winemakers. The tide had turned for organic wines. 

The future of organic wines

Today, it is relatively easy to find a fantastic bottle of organic wine. Retailers and distributors recognize the value of sustainably produced clean wines, and the industry at large can recognize and celebrate the talent of organic winemakers. 

As the demand for sustainability, fair-trade practices, and organic foods continues to grow, organic winemaking is more relevant than ever. 

Naturally elegant wines by Domaine Bousquet

We are dedicated to producing organic wine, which improves our land’s biodiversity. By nourishing the land and treating it with respect, we know it will give us back its finest fruits. Our organically grown grapes express an unparalleled purity, intensity, and varietal character of the local terroir. Peruse our selection of organic wines to experience true elegance and exceptional taste at an affordable price. 

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